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The PC Tribe - One Year Later

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

Starting the Group

One year ago I made the final decision to start a Facebook group just for men dealing with prostate cancer. This group is different from what the Mohawk Mission's main purpose of prostate cancer awareness is. It was our first venture in providing support to men. I always thought there are plenty of support groups available, I need to help men before they get diagnosed. Then I saw the importance of men supporting men in Man Up to Cancer's The Howling Place. I felt that the prostate cancer community needed its own group doing the same thing. The easy part was forming the group but then I needed to let men know it was there. Fortunately as a member of the Howling Place which had several PC men in it, I was allowed to post about the new group and members started coming in. I posted where ever I thought I could and more members came. I didn't want men to leave the other groups since they all provide help in different ways, but just add to where they could find support.

The Nurturing

Well now I had a group but how do I get the communications flowing between the men. Many of these men had never been in a men's only group and I didn't know if they would open up. I was used to telling my story and sharing my journey, so I started being as open as I could. Others soon followed suit and slowly the conversations started happening. Once in a while I needed to share even more. As time went on more guys felt safe and comfortable talking about their journey. And now the conversations flow daily.

The Losses

We have a lost a few men this past year. The ones I know are Robert "Beau" Jackson and Joseph Murphy. Joe was on the zooms in Man Up from early on and we got to know each other. He joined our group right after is was formed. Beau started his own group called the Prostate Cancer Prayer and Support Group. He was a man of tremendous faith. We became very close friends and he asked me to escort him him, which I did proudly. We still miss these guys but we always hope we can be there in men's time of greatest need if nothing more than to just listen and talk. We love you guys and miss you.

The Reward

I knew it was working when men would comment that they finally found a place with men going through the same thing they are. Every comment that thanked me for starting this confirms this was needed and fills my heart with the love felt across the group. I often say this group is not about me or the other admins, it is about the men in the group. They make the group work, they make the group great and they make everyone feel welcome and supported. Without all of you the group would not exist. It has been a real blessing for me to see all of this come about in one year. November 23rd s the PC Tribe's one year anniversary and we are 500+ strong across ten different countries! I've talked with men from the other side of the world. I'm not sure I could even imagine that at the start. Many of you help the mission's PC awareness by sharing postcards, magnets and arm bands along with wearing the mission apparel. Together we can make a difference. I love all of you guys!


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